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Find Manufacturers and Products Made in Washington State

Featured Manufacturer

Cascade Organic Flour

Contact Justin Brown (CEO/Owner)
310 CAMELIA STREET NE P.O. Box 187 Royal City, WA 99357
Cascade Organic Farms/Cascade Organic Flour is a family-owned producer of organic flour, organic wheat and organic dry beans.
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The Washington Manufacturing Directory offers a range of benefits for businesses seeking to establish themselves as genuine representatives of "Made in Washington" origin.

Your listing will increase visibility and acknowledge your business as a local manufacturer. This recognition holds considerable importance in the present-day market, where consumers and enterprises frequently prioritize their commitment to local industries and products.

Directory participants receive the following:

  • The user-friendly interface allows you to update your listing anytime.
  • A profile page on our website to showcase your products or capabilities.
  • Downloadable Made in Washington logo to exhibit on your website, social channels, and more, which you can hyperlink back to your directory listing.
  • Listing will help your business stand out as an authentic "Made in Washington" entity, enhancing your reputation and attracting customers seeking locally sourced goods.
  • A subscription to our newsletter with updates to our programs and industry news
  • The opportunity to become the featured Manufacturer of the Week on our website and social media sites.

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Listing Name
Contact Jacob Matthaei (Owner)
1118 East D Street Tacoma, WA 98421

E-Bed is line of versatile, high quality emergency treatment beds and accessories, ideal for hospital surge capacity requirements, field hospitals, natural disasters, and other mass casualty events. Made from surgical grade stainless steel and thermoformed plastic, our beds are some of the most durable emergency beds on the market. They do not have any kind of fabric decking that absorbs fluids and are easily decontaminated and disinfected for years of repeated use. The E-Bed base platform may be purchased alone or along with a conversion kit for additional functionality. The beds fold flat for convenient storage and assemble within seconds for immediate use. Full-swivel removable casters with locking brakes make our beds easy to transport and safe for treatment. E-Beds are 100% made in the USA and are CPR compatible.

339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing, 332 Fabricated Metal Product
Fabricating, Assembly,
Materials Utilized
Plastic, Metal - Steel, Metal - Stainless Steel, Foam, Fibers - Natural, Fibers - Man-made,