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Cascade Organic Flour

Contact Justin Brown (CEO/Owner)
310 CAMELIA STREET NE P.O. Box 187 Royal City, WA 99357
Cascade Organic Farms/Cascade Organic Flour is a family-owned producer of organic flour, organic wheat and organic dry beans.
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  • The user-friendly interface allows you to update your listing anytime.
  • A profile page on our website to showcase your products or capabilities.
  • Downloadable Made in Washington logo to exhibit on your website, social channels, and more, which you can hyperlink back to your directory listing.
  • Listing will help your business stand out as an authentic "Made in Washington" entity, enhancing your reputation and attracting customers seeking locally sourced goods.
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Contact Justin Fontes
Integrity Machining, Inc. is the exclusive supplier of high quality InMac-Kolstrand brand marine parts and products. We are a fully integrated manufacturer of marine equipment such as power blocks with power grips, line haulers and crab pot pullers, anchor winches, gurdies, davits, etc. principally for the North Pacific and West Coast fisheries.The Kolstrand brand has been field tested by customers for more than 85 years, offering proven equipment and service to the commercial fisheries market. We are committed to serving the commercial fishing industry by manufacturing marine equipment that stands the test of time.InMac-Kolstrand marine equipment is manufactured and fabricated by Integrity Machining in non-corrosive marine grade stainless steel and aluminum by skilled associates with many years of experience. Integrity Machining has added to its capabilities by acquiring CNC equipment enabling manufacturing of superior products in less time. In addition, InMac-Kolstrand’s call center is staffed with experienced application specialists to assist customers in the selecting the right equipment for the job.InMac-Kolstrand’s online store,, not only offers marine parts and products, but makes it easy to find parts and information by fisheries groups, exploded views, pictures, installation and maintenance information.InMac-Kolstrand’s Commercial Marine Sales Division services commercial and industrial marine organizations including boat manufacturers, repair yards, charter fleets and related suppliers. The Commercial Marine Sales Division specializes in marine equipment and hydraulic systems, which includes a complete line of hydraulic equipment, crab blocks and line haulers, power blocks, power grips, winches, line coilers and hydraulic pump drives.
111 Corp Production, 111 Corp Production