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Find Manufacturers and Products Made in Washington State

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Cascade Organic Flour

Contact Justin Brown (CEO/Owner)
310 CAMELIA STREET NE P.O. Box 187 Royal City, WA 99357
Cascade Organic Farms/Cascade Organic Flour is a family-owned producer of organic flour, organic wheat and organic dry beans.
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  • The user-friendly interface allows you to update your listing anytime.
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  • Listing will help your business stand out as an authentic "Made in Washington" entity, enhancing your reputation and attracting customers seeking locally sourced goods.
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Listing Name
Contact Jerry Peterson
17301 Beaton Rd SE Monroe, WA 98272

Rainbow Metals Inc., located in Monroe, WA. is a manufacturer and an industry leader in sand casting bronze and aluminum for art and incentive items. These items include custom and stock designs. There are Celtic designs, Fire Department, NW Indian, SW Indian, Animal and Specialty Interest, as well as Alaskan and Pacific Islander design in belt buckles, bronze pendants, bolo ties, key fob or tags, door knockers, earrings and money clips. The buckles come in four belt sizes of 1 3/4?, 1 1/2?, 1 1/4? and 1?. The design size is also unique to each belt size. There are handmade belt buckles, bronze plaques, dedication plaques, memorial plaques, bench plaques, engraved plaques, aluminum plaques, cast bronze plaques, cast aluminum plaques, custom lapel pins, door knockers, blank belt buckles as well as medallions that can be used as awards or paper weights. We do our casting in two colors of bronze for all items, a normal gold bronze and a silver colored bronze.

331 Primary Metal Manufacturing, 339 Miscellaneous Manufacturing
Molding, Mold Making, Casting,
Materials Utilized
Metal - Bronze,