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The Six Words That Will Massively Improve Your Employee Recruitment

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 | Workforce Development, All



Hiring has been a difficult process, as many manufacturing companies have found.  

People have grown accustomed to working from home for the past two years and let’s be honest - it can be much nicer to work from your couch than to go into the office every day at 9 a.m. This has resulted in many manufacturers struggling to attract new talent. Being able to recruit and retain manufacturing employees is essential when it comes to maintaining a solid workforce. The hiring process is always complicated, but there are steps you can take to attract the right kind of workers to your business in the ever-changing manufacturing market. 

It all starts with advertisements.

Many manufacturers put up banners or job postings that advertise average pay with benefits. While pay and benefits are definitely important, many companies offer the same thing, rendering this tactic predictable and unappealing to potential employees.

Instead, focus on your company’s unique environment.

Since so many people can now work remotely, business’s need to up their game when it comes to advertising in-person jobs. Attract people to your company by advertising the great opportunities you offer, then talk numbers.

According to “The Six Words That Will Massively Improve Your Employee Recruitment in 2022” by Matt Fieldman, this comes down to one simple sentence that encapsulates your unique company atmosphere. This is simplified to “Make cool stuff with awesome people”. Of course, this is just an outline. You can input any phrase to make this statement reflect exactly what your manufacturing business has to offer. This could look like: “Build Medical Equipment Alongside Amazing Colleagues” or “Join Incredible Doers Developing Cool Technologies” (Fieldman 2022).

Advertise the most interesting parts of your manufacturing company that make it just that -  interesting. Using this phrase explains exactly why people should work for your manufacturing company. What's unique about you as a manufacturer? When it comes down to it, many workers are looking for more than just a routine 9-5 with decent pay. Workplace culture is a big factor, especially for younger generations. It's important that you advertise your unique mission in the best way. These six words are appealing, concise, and will reach the audience you seek. 

Not only does this give others an idea of what they'd be doing at your company, it also highlight the awesome team you already have. With the shortage of workers the economy has experienced in the past two years, your manufacturing workforce could use a shoutout. Improving the workplace and hiring the right people starts with promoting what you’re looking for and what you have to offer that other companies don’t.

Impact Washington helps manufacturers reach their full potential.

Impact Washington, the Washington State MEP, helps manufacturing companies excel in every facet of business. By consulting with you, we can help you optimize talent, streamline processes, increase productivity, efficiency, all the while engaging your workforce. Impact Washington offers many different programs that can help manufacturers reach their goals. We can help you create a strategic workforce development plan to recruit manufacturing talent. 

Contact Impact Washington today to learn how we can help your manufacturing company. 

"The Six Words That Will Massively Improve Your Employee Recruitment in 2022" appeared on The Manufacturer blog on January 28th, 2022, and was authored by: Matt Fieldman. You can view the full blog post here

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