Manufacturing Grants & JSP
Apply for Available Manufacturing Grants, Vouchers & Job Skills Training Program (JSP)
Impact Washington administers a variety of federal, state, and local grants to small and medium-sized manufacturers in Washington state. We offer grants, vouchers, and job skills training programs. Learn more about available grant programs, if your business is eligible, and how to apply.
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Lean and Green - Ecology Program
Partner with Impact Washington and the Washington State Department of Ecology to make your operations more sustainable.
By using lean practices and environmental methods to decrease operating costs and reduce pollutants, the Lean & Green Program can improve your productivity and enhance the competitiveness of your business. Make your operations Lean and Green to stay ahead of the curve.
For facilities that use, release, or throw away certain toxic chemicals, an Ecology program can cover up to 50%-80% (up to $24k) of the project consulting fees (depending on the potential environmental savings).
Learn How to Apply for Lean and Green Program
WSMA Grant - Training for Small & Micro Manufacturers
Gain a Competitive Edge with Comprehensive Training Opportunities
The Washington State Microenterprise Association grant funded by the Washington State Department of Commerce is intended to support small and micro businesses with the training, technical assistance, and financing tools they need to grow their businesses in rural and urban communities. As part of this WSMA-funded initiative, Impact Washington will offer four training workshops designed to help small manufacturers streamline operations, align their business strategies and improve overall efficiency.
Learn about Workshops and how to Register
Job Skills Program (JSP) for Washington Manufacturers
Develop and Maintain a Skilled Workforce
Washington’s Job Skills Program (JSP) serves to develop the skills of new or existing workers, retain and grow living wage jobs, and help Washington manufacturers improve their competitiveness to strengthen our state's economy. Funds are awarded on a first-approved, rolling basis throughout the fiscal year. Applications are reviewed by a standing sub-committee of the Workforce Training Customer Advisory Committee. View 2024 JSP Report Here.
Job Skills Program Priorities: All industry clusters are supported by the Job Skills Program whenever possible, and awards are spread to all corners of Washington state, including rural areas.
Job Skills Program Shared Investments: JSP is a dollar-for-dollar matching grant program, and at least 50% of training expenses are covered by the business through cash and/or in-kind payments. Lasting working relationships develop between the business and the educational institution as both parties engage in the development and implementation of a training plan.
Learn More About JSP Grants
Export Voucher Program
Grow Your Export Business by Leveraging STEP Vouchers
Qualifying companies who are new to exports or entering new markets can get up to $10,000 to offset expenses. Funded in part by the SBA’s State Trade Expansion Program, the vouchers can be used to defray trade show or trade mission fees, airfare, interpreter and translation services, export training programs and more. See the STEP flyer for details.
Learn More About Export Voucher Program
Small Manufacturers Growth and Support Grant*
Consulting and Training to Assist Small Manufacturers in Their Development and Growth
Impact Washington offers small manufacturers (up to 20 employees) across Washington state the opportunity to have up to 80 hours of direct consulting and training at no cost to the manufacturers. Due to the massive success of the SBIF program, Impact Washington’s Board of Directors decided to continue the effort and fund the Small Manufacturer Growth and Support Program.
*Funds for this program have been fully allocated. However, we still offer a free Business Evaluation for companies interested in a review of their operations.
Learn More About Grant
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